In an innovative twist to conventional marketing practices, a protein bar brand recently adopted a unique marketing strategy that left shoppers both perplexed and enlightened. What did they do? They created an ‘impostor’ brand to guide customers towards their original product – an intriguing strategy that brings a whole new dimension to the notion of brand visibility and customer engagement.

Marketing, at its core, is about catching the consumer’s eye and holding on to their interest long enough to influence their purchase decision. With countless brands competing in the global marketplace, standing out from the crowd has become more important than ever. The protein bar brand harnessed this crucial element in spectacular fashion, using its own competition to direct focus and generate intrigue for its original product.

Impostor brand

A first glance would make you believe that you’re looking at a completely separate protein bar brand. The names, logos, packaging designs, and promotional materials of the faux brand are designed to mimic healthy protein bars – the same market segment that the original brand caters to. What then, is the benefit of creating a rival that doesn’t exist?

The answer lies in the ingenious psychological play. As customers investigate the imposter brand—drawn in by the deliberately created resemblance—they gradually find clues leading them to the “real” thing. They, in essence, are led through an exciting scavenger hunt where the prize is discovering the original protein bar brand.

Original brand

This novel approach imprints the brand deeper in the customer’s memory. By involving them in such an interactive exploration, customers are engaged on a new level, further solidifying loyalty and product awareness. Suddenly, a simple shopping trip becomes an adventure, with the protein bar brand taking a starring role.

The brand’s strategists certainly deserve applause for their creativity and willingness to stray from traditional marketing paths. Their ‘faux foiling’ technique brought an exciting twist to the buying process—transforming passive customers into active participants.

With this strategy, the protein bar brand raised the bar (quite literally), offering a case study for those looking to strengthen brand recognition and customer engagement in a saturated market. This approach may certainly seem risky and unconventional, but in the volatile landscape of marketing, perhaps a gamble now and then is just what brands need to keep the market pulse ticking.

So, the next time you find yourself in the protein bar aisle, look around—a treasure hunt might just be waiting for you!